Qenos offers a range of Alkathene® low density (LDPE), Alkatuff® linear low density (LLDPE), Alkamax® metallocene linear low density (mLLDPE) and Alkatane™ high density (HDPE) polyethylene grades designed for blown and cast film processes in single and multi layer structures.Alkatuff LLDPE Grades
Qenos manufactures LLDPE grades for a range of blown and cast film applications. Find data sheets, SDS and application information.
Alkathene LDPE Grades
Qenos manufactures a range of autoclave LDPE grades suitable for many applications. Find datasheets, SDS and application information.
Alkamax mLLDPE Grades
A range of high performance metallocene grades with superior toughness & high clarity. Find datasheets, SDS and application information.
Alkatane HDPE Film Grades
Qenos manufacture a range of HDPE film grades for a with excellent barrier properties and stiffness. Find datasheets, SDS and application information.